Yummy Cum Drops

7, 774. 07 Ft
7, 774. 07 Ft ( )
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Theã¢â yummy cumã¢â are energizing drops that naturally enhance your sexual power. these drops with ingredients like l-arginine, guarana and salix alba, support energy levels thanks to vitamin c and thus help improve your sexual performance and vitality. the yummy cum drops provide exciting pleasure with added sexual power.ã¢â in addition, these drops improveã¢â the taste of sperm and they canã¢â have a positive effect on sperm production.it is recommended to take up to 4 ml per day with water, this amounts to about 20 drops.ã¢â do not take more than 8 ml per 24 hours.ã¢â do not exceed the dose. a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important. a dietary supplement is not a substitute for varied nutrition. keep out of reach of children. consult an expert before taking supplements in case ofã¢â medication use and illness. the desired result may vary from person to person.ingredients:ã¢â white willow bark extract (salix alba), kola extract (cola acuminata), guarana extract (pullinia cupana), l-tyrosine, l-arginine, ascorbic acid (vitamin c), spirulina (arthrospira platensis), potassium sorbate, black pepper (piper nigrum ess. oil), ginger (zingiber ess. oil).ã¢â 

Cobeco Pharma
  • e20654
  • 2 6 Werktage

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